So after looking at several blogs for a while and thinking "that looks like a LOT of work", I never thought I'd start. Well, here we are...blogging! I loved looking at a lot of blogs from David and my friends from school. What a great way to keep people updated with out lots of individual emails! We are looking forward to Spring and the kids were so disappointed yesterday when it SNOWED! It had all just melted to. At least it's not sticking around for long. I'm so excited, the kids are going to swimming lessons tomorrow for the first time. To say they are excited is an understatement. They had to model their new swim suits we bought Saturday just to "try them out"! So funny!


Bybee Family said…
Love the BLog and welcome to the addicting word. Soon we will be having lessons in Relief Society about controlling our addictions to Blogging but it is a great way to keep up and you can print them off and make a journal for your family so at least you can say that you are following the Prophet when we says to keep a journal.
Hey hey! Yes, i love that you have blog now! It helps us all stay in touch, in a really easy way. I never know what's going on with everyone else's families. SO this helps! You'r family is HUGE! I can't believe how big all your kids are! wow! you can add us to your blog by putting in brockandemily@blogspot.com
So glad to see you created a blog. It's an addicting world. I love it though. Our email address is nielsonfam03@gmail.com. If you wanted to add us to your blog list it's just the same nielsonfam03.blogspot.com. HOpe that helps. Can't wait to keep in touch. What a darling family!
Aleighy said…
So glad to see your cute family! If you want to add us as friends, it's htt://ayountfamily.blogspot.com and my email is amber@s3studios.com

It's so great to keep in touch through blogging. Keep us updated!
Shanae said…
Your family is sooooo cute!!! Blogging really is a great way to stay in touch with everyone. You can add us at jonesfamilyaloha.blogspot.com
my email is shanaeljones@yahoo.com
How fun! I am glad you are doing a blog. It seems like it is the only way we keep in touch with people, especially family. Our email is mnielson2@yahoo.com . Your kids are so cute!

Sha and Mike
Anonymous said…
Welcome to the blogger world!
I love your family! We need to get together soon(I know that sounds familiar, but whenever we are in town we are going to the LEE's).
Feel free to check us out at
The McGary's said…
Wow, your family is adorable! Watch out you will soon be so addicted that you will have to limit yourself:) Our address is cbmjmm.blogspot.com or if you need email my blog on is jande_marie@hotmail.com
Have fun
Jenks Family said…
hi kira
we are new at the blogging thing. i'm just now getting ours started. it gjjenks.blogspot.com

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