Computers and Kids

Melanie got a Barbie computer for her birthday in February and all of the kids have loved playing on it. Well obviously my kids have some learning to do on taking care of their things. This poor computer should be dead by now with all of the abuse it's taken. The first thing that happened was Melanie had it in the car and was getting out of the van, but had stopped in the doorway with the computer hanging from the latch on to her shirt collar. I warned her that it was going to fall and break and that she'd better take it off immediately. Did she listen? Of course not and it fell down on to the cement floor. Surprisingly though it still worked! Then a few days ago Melanie came in from the trampoline (before breakfast) and the computer was wet and some ice on it. She had left it outside, over night on the tramp! I thought for sure the thing was broken this time and my thought was confirmed when it did not turn on...that is until it all dried out a few days later and miraculously turned on when Cameron tried it. Boy was I surprised! If it were a cat, I'd say it had 9 lives! This thing is kid tested, mother approved!


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