Poor Jason

So I am feeling so terrible right now. I took Jason to the doctor today to get his ears checked and I was pretty sure he had a sinus infection too. When the nurse was weighing Jason I was just naming off my concerns and reasons why I was there and what was going on health wise. She asked if Jason has had a fever and I said no. She took his temperature and it came out with a 100.4 temp, a fever. Then I told her that at night Jason will complain when he goes to bed that his back hurts and when he wears his coat he complains about his back hurting. She then tells me that they will have him pee in a cup. None of my kids has done that before, so I ask why and she tells me that they want to see if there is anything wrong with his kidneys. So we go and I help him pee in a cup (WAY easier than a girl). Then we go and wait for the doctor. After the Dr. checks him out she starts listing off all of the things that are wrong-ear infection in the right ear, sinus infection, pneumonia and then she swabbed him for strep throat and later found out it was confirmed strep. THEN, the nurse brings back a paper saying that the urine sample had blood in it and so it's going in for a culture test. Oh boy. Am I the worst mother or what?!!!! So, I am a little nervous about the urine sample coming back with blood in it. So I will go back in 10 days to have everything rechecked and see how things go. Right now it's antibiotics and albeuteral (spelling) for the breathing. I'm just glad that Jason is happy through it all.


Enriquez Family said…
What? thats crazy! No your not the worrst mom. Who would of thought that his pee would have blood in it. And if hes not big on complaining, why take him in right? your doing fine!
*~McGarys~* said…
Oh no! And I agree you are not a bad mom at all!! It just happens. Did she say maybe a bladder infection? Well I hope that he feels better and that everything is ok.
POOR KID!!!! When it rains it pours right? What a tough little guy to not complain more. You are a wonderful mom too. Hope everything clears up soon.
Mikaela said…
That is seriously so crazy it's almost funny....poor kid! BUT, you couldn't have known all of those things were going on...kids are so hard to read. They always have energy, even when they're sick. I hope he gets well soon, though! Bring him on over! haha!
5dollarFanatic said…
Oh wow-that is alot going on in his system..no you aren't a bad parent-you took him to the Dr. Kids get sick and sometimes they get sicker because their immune system is shot. I hope he starts feeling better soon!!
Jenks Family said…
That is so funny. so many times I take my kids to the doctor and I am thinking they have got to be really sick, then we come out with nothing. But other times i'm in there for well checks and they find that they have everything that is possible. I wish kids could not get sick.
W said…
That happens. At least you took him to the doctors. Kids get sick all the time, and it's hard to know when it's serious and when it's not. Good luck.
W said…
That happens. At least you took him to the doctors. Kids get sick all the time, and it's hard to know when it's serious and when it's not. Good luck.

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