I can ride a two wheeler!!

Yeah!! I love when I get inspirations, or are they guilt trips (?), I get in the middle of the night!! I woke up around 5 am the other night thinking why is Cameron still riding his bike with training wheels? All of his cousins will be at the reunion riding 2 wheelers while Cameron is still in training wheels!! What a bad mom! Then I thought, well that's a dad's job. To teach his kid how to ride a bike, right? Well, not with his schedule. So that very day off came the training wheels. Once one bike's were off they were all off! Yes, all 3 bikes are laying down in the garage rather than sitting up. Since Cameron practiced last year on one and was doing great until he ran into the neighbor's car's bumper and gave it all up, I knew he could do it. He really just needed more confidence. So he did a practice run on the little 12" bike and that went great so he immediately went to his big bike that he got for his birthday. Yeah, not so good. One crash and he was done. So Melanie wanted to try hers. All her friends ride on 2 wheels and she is more confident and daring than Cameron. She picked right up on it and LOVED it! So, I took Cameron back out and he saw Melanie riding and I think that gave him the push to try again. I put him back on the 12" bike and he did great. Both of them can start themselves and since they can reach still by being on the seat it is a lot easier for them. So when Cameron is ready to move up to his normal size bike he will. I figure a month is plenty long!! He looks pretty ridiculous riding it actually and Melanie's bike is the same size and getting a little small too. But great to get the hang of it I guess. So we laid out on the grass while they were riding their bikes out in the road with their friends. It was perfect weather and fun to watch them get excited about doing it. I was very happy when I went in to the house after 9pm. Following that prompting felt great!


Enriquez Family said…
thats so good Kira! You are a go get er' for doing that! I bet thats gotta give you wings for flying high the rest of the day!
Mikaela said…
Wow, great for you all! I bet they like it too if they can go faster. And, I think it's a good mom job, as well. My dad was always too busy for those things. I think my brothers or sisters taught me! :) So way to go mom!
I told Joseph it was his job too!! Kiya wants her's off but fully pregnant I didn't want to run with her. Hopefully this next week I will get Kiya going. You are a great mama! I am sure the kids are loving their new freedom on the bikes! WAY TO GO Cam and Mel!!!

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