Weak Stomach?

I took Jason to the doctor yesterday after a week of non-stop runny nose that was a green/yellow color. We got him some antibiotics for his ear and sinus infections. The runny nose has not stopped any less in one day of using the medicine, as usual. This morning during breakfast Jason blew out a HUGE stream of snot to the bottom of his lower lip. Melanie was coming down the stairs and took one look at the snot and she immediately started to gag and then quickly turned the other way to go back up the stairs out of sight. I turned to see Cameron gagging with his head in the garbage can trying to clear his throat! I think we have some weak stomach's around here!!


Enriquez Family said…
haha! what?? Ana's little kids are exactly the same way! Funny funny!
Oh man....do you blame them? That's hilarious. I hope he gets feeling better soon.
marciekoch said…
This story made me laugh out loud - I can just picture it. Hope Jason feels better soon!
Mikaela said…
That is pretty funny!

Also, your new background looks great!
smcgary said…
I have heard children referred to as Snot-nosed kids. I guess better that than my brother's reference of "Little Fat Poops!" Can you say that on a blog? Your background looks really cute. It took 30 minutes for it to load on our computer. If you get much cuter, we may not be able to visit you. Ha ha.
Signed, Internet handicapped in BC
Mom & Dad
That is funny! I also love the boyfriend post-that is so sweet. Glad you had a fun ski date too.

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