Lee Family Reunion- Camp Zarahemla

We were so lucky to have a family reunion at Camp Zarahemla where Chuck and Carol (AKA grandpa & grandma) are serving their mission.   They absolutely love it up there.  It was fun to play together with everyone for 3 full days!!  This was the family reunion that David and I were in charge of putting together.  It is pretty easy to be the one in charge when everything you delegate out is taken care of with no complaints!  And the camp is full of things to do!

First up, Family Pictures!!  I love this family and am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful group of people!  Our kids are pretty darn lucky to have such awesome cousins to be surrounded and influenced by. 




We had morning devotionals.  Songs, flag raising and spiritual messages started off our mornings!


Marshmallow shooters were made!  This was a big hit for the the kids.  Older and younger kids loved them!  They played a game of capture the flag with them also!!IMG_4162IMG_4163IMG_4167


Canoe races!  Andrea and Megan’s boat won this one! 


The water was FREEZING!!  A few braved it!  Jason jumped in and it just about put him into a paralyzed shock.  He was not expecting it to be so cold!  There were some guys going off the rope swing (David is pictured below).



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During the small amount of down time the kids enjoyed the craft table.  Perfect for early mornings and in between activities where the kids could create unsupervised!


Melissa with baby Emma.


The talent show was a favorite for everyone I think!  It was so much fun!  We have a very creative and talented family!!  Melanie played a duet “Skip to My Lou”, Jason counted to 10 in Chinese, Alyssa danced and did hand stands to the song “Dynamite”, Jenna did tongue tricks by sticking her tongue to her nose and Cameron dressed up as Napolean Dynamite and did the dance on the movie.  All of the kids did a skit called “The Lee Chins” to the song “Lollipop”




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Minute to Win It Games were played!  Everyone loved trying to beat their opponent!  We are a competitive family!!

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What a fun reunion. Looks like you guys did awesome on your planning keeping everyone busy. Oh and kuddos to who took the family pic. That's a large family and you captured everyone looking great!

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