I took Jenna to her one year appointment at the doctor today. She has had a cold the last couple of days accompanied with a fever. She hasn't slept very well with her stuffy nose. While waiting in the room, Jenna fell and hit her mouth. Under her lip that connects with the gums it detatched. She was bleeding pretty bad. I didn't realize it until a few minutes after when her mouth was filled with blood! The dr. reassured me that she would be fine. They don't do stitches when that happens. It probably won't reattach itself though...sad! So while she was calming down I had the doctor look in Cameron's ear. It has always been full of hard wax. We have tried candle sticks, over the counter drops and even bobby pins to try and get it out! It is so gross. The doctor suggested going to the EAR/NOSE/THROAT doctor. He said he couldn't see the ear drum and it was really hard in there. Not a surprise. So I will be scheduling an appt. for him soon. I don't know how he can hear very well!

Jenna is still proving to be a little thing. Here are her stats:

Weight: 18 lbs. 11 ozs. (15%)
Length: 28.5 inches (40%)
Head: 46 cm (70%)

I can't even turn her around forward facing yet because she hasn't reached 20 lbs! Oh, well! She likes to look at her brothers and sisters! So along with the lip detaching she also got 3 shots and a finger poke for an iron test, which she passed. I was glad that she took a good nap after all of that!


What a tiny thing. Poor thing having to go through so much in one day. Hopefully the ENT can help Cameron too. We're headed there with Lyndin.
Susanna said…
I bet Jenna and Aspen are about the same size. So small and petite.
Sessions said…
My Husband said people pay to have that clipped at the Dental office so Jenna just saved you some money!! Hope your little guys ear can get fixed that has got to be uncomfortable!!

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