Girls WOD

February 15th our gym threw a girls only workout competition.  It was a partner workout and my friend Jess, who has never done a competition before, asked me to be her partner.  We are evenly matched in our abilities and so we were a good team!  It was so much fun!  We did 2 different workouts.  The first one was 14 movements, 1 minute each.  They were push press, squats, wall balls, burpees, double unders, thrusters, toes to bar, hand release pushups, sumo deadlift high pull, power clean and I can’t remember the other 2.  Then when that was over we did a partner deadlift.  We ended lifting 425 lbs together on one bar!  We got 4th overall and I was happy with that because there were 18 teams!  This picture is all of the girls that competed from our gym. 

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