Easter 2013
I had carpool last week which meant Tuesday was my day to have these cute girls over for playgroup. I decided to let them dye eggs and color 2 Easter pictures. They had fun. These girls are so fun together and get along really well. Jenna loves to play with them too!
The Easter Bunny found our home last night! Jenna has been having a hard time going to sleep in her own bed at night. She is usually roaming the halls, finding excuses not to go to bed and will even fall asleep in the guest bedroom. Her favorite place is my room though. She is not picky and will sleep on the floor. So last night I told her that the Easter Bunny was going to look in her window and if she wasn’t in bed he wasn’t going to give her candy and would only leave her carrots. Her eyes got real big and she said quickly “Good Night Mom!” I never heard anything else from her! Can the Easter Bunny come every night? The boys got to play their new Wii game on Sunday Also the night before we were at the table eating dinner and Jason was showing me his loose tooth that was making it hard to eat. I commented something about if the tooth came out that night the Easter Bunny AND the Tooth Fairy would get to come visit him. Boy did he get wiggling that thing the rest of the night! By the time bedtime rolled around he had it out and hidden safely under his pillow. Rise of the Guardians has really made these traditions come to life!
We are so so grateful for the Resurrection that allows us to all be together again. One of the kids was complaining earlier in the week about going to church on Easter. It’s a holiday right? I love teaching moments like that. It is always a good reminder for us all of the real meaning of Easter and that the candy and baskets and dresses are a fun tradition but not the real reason to celebrate Easter. Jesus Christ died and was Resurrected for US and that is why we celebrate! We are nothing without HIM!!