House Work, Smouse Work!!
I would just like to say I officially hate house work! I used to really enjoy it. Of course that was BEFORE the house was a mess EVERY DAY due to my wonderful little chicklins! It's not so motivating when you wake up to a messy house, clean it, mess it up by lunch, clean it somewhat again, and then by the night it looks the same as when you woke up that morning! I don't know when I started to hate it. I think maybe when we moved to Las Vegas and had our first rental in a long time. Renting is not the same as owning! Anyway, I would love someday for a cleaning lady to come to my house and clean it twice a month. That would really help! (This probably would go against everything I was taught and the long heritage of hard workers from both sides of my family, but it sure would be helpful!)