Eating Whole30 and Crossfit
I did it! I finished my first goal of the year. It was hard (going with out sugar). It was easy (cooking light meals). It was such a great thing for me to do. It was an even better thing for David and I to do together! We have grown so much closer this month. Whenever you are working towards a goal, especially something hard, you draw closer because of it. We went to a class that our trainer at the gym taught about nutrition, especially talking about eating whole30. It was very informative. Whole30 is meant to heal your gut and reset your body. I walked away learning a lot about what is healthy and what is not and why. One thing I learned was that cows milk has a hormone in it that makes you crave more. It is supposed to be there obviously so the baby wants to eat more and will grow. Not so good for humans. I also know that dairy hurts my stomach. So that was not hard for me to give up....